Monday, September 22, 2008

Violin Lessons for a Little Sweetheart

At four years old you think you are a pretty big girl -- and you are! Rachel Marie, Lisa's oldest daughter and our oldest grandchild, is no exception. She has wanted to learn to play the violin for a long time, and she is now big enough!

One of the perks of being the grandma is that you get to enjoy these kinds of things without the work and the stress. I was invited to attend her second lesson with her and her mom on Friday, September 19, 2008.

I had no idea there is so much technicality involved in playing the violin! There is a proper way to hold it under your chin, a proper way to hold the bow, a proper way to move the bow, and even a proper way to stand!

These are pictures of Rachel listening intently to her teacher, Suzie, as she demonstrates the how-to's. What a special opportunity for me to be with her on this particular day! Thanks, Rachel Ree for letting Grandma join you!

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