This adoption has been a series of miracles. As I look back, I marvel that the Lord is aware of every one of his children, no matter where they live or what their skin color. It is not chance that these four children (siblings - 8, 7, 6 & 5) were plucked from an orphanage in Bogota, Columbia and placed in Las Vegas, Nevada with parents who will love and appreciate them and teach them right from wrong and about their Savior, Jesus Christ.
I am overwhelmed at the courage and determination it took for Rachel and Adam to follow through despite all the road blocks that were placed in their way from government red tape to financial obligations to discouragement and many others. And they didn't even meet the children until they went to Colombia to pick them up!
Through all of this, I have also learned to appreciate my own blessings, little things I take for granted every day. These children have little or no memory of their biological parents. They had never experienced a hot shower, had never seen a bathtub or a swimming pool. They had never been to an airport or played with bubbles or pinwheels or jacks. The few clothes they had and the toys they played with at the orphanage were communal. And they were happy because they knew nothing else.
Rachel and Adam have been so generous to share their journey in international adoption on their blog. It was fun to follow along each day while they were in Colombia and get to know the children. I can't wait to meet them in person next week.
Oh, super cool. I have always loved that you treat my friends like they are part of the family. And what a wonderful journey, difficult but rewarding.
And you're right... it has been done with such grace. I can't wait for you to meet them all. Rachel and Wompy are coming to take me to lunch today. I will have to remind her to check out your blog today. She will certainly be very touched.
The McCracken's are amazing! How can you not love them!? You will love there family! They are gorgeous!
They are so courageous!
I'm not supposed to cry when I read about myself! :) Thank you for your love and support. We can't wait for you to meet the munchkins, and to hopefully attend our sealing in the spring.
Oh yeah, the children had mac-n-cheese last night for dinner. I got more thumbs ups, winks, and "mommy, can I please have some more?" Thank you, thank you, thank you.
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