Saturday, September 27, 2008

Virginia or Bust

Brock & Marissa

My only sibling's only daughter and my only niece, Marissa, is getting married on the 5th of October in Cape Charles, Virginia, which is near Virginia Beach and Norfolk. We are really thrilled that our entire family (all four children) will be able to be with us - one for only a few days, one for a week, and two for the entire 11 days. We will dearly miss Rusty and Rob because they are now an integral part of our family, but it's not very often that you have the opportunity to take a family vacation "just like the old days" once your children have grown and left home.

It didn't start out that way. Originally we thought only I would be able to attend. Then Angie was going, then Jaime thought she would like to go. When I was making reservations for three of us, Duane decided he wanted to be included. Lisa didn't want to be left out and she needed a break, besides weddings are her specialty so why wouldn't she want to be there? Finally Brandon called and asked if there was any chance he could come despite the fact that he would have to miss a few days of school. We assumed he wouldn't be able to go, so I'm glad he spoke up.

So on October 2 we will all fly to Virginia. I'm sure our haphazard plans caused much consternation for the bride with seating arrangements, but we are thrilled to be able to support her and her family in this all-important once in a lifetime event.

Virginia, here we come!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A 48-Hour Whirlwind

At 1:30 PM on Friday, September 19, 2008, we met our friends, Bruce & Sandy Iveson, at the Jean exit south of Las Vegas. We were headed to Riverside, California to call a square dance for the Cowtown Singles (Stupid name, I know. Very redneck. It gets its name from the fact that the entire area used to be covered with cattle ranches.) Eight squares of wonderful people. Bruce and Sandy moved to Santa Clara, Utah, from California. They used to dance with these people. The dance went well. Duane did a Plus tip "with attitude." We had a great time in a very nice dance hall.

After the dance, we still had another 100 miles to drive to Santa Clarita where we were so graciously hosted by Roy and Jean Woodard. Bed never felt so wonderful.

The next morning Bruce and Sandy escorted us to Hollywood Boulevard where we saw Darth Vader and Marilyn Monroe among other interesting "look-alikes." We also drove past Graumann's Chinese Theatre. Then we went to Universal City Walk, a shopping experience just outside Universal Studios. Fun place, especially if you have lots of money and time. We also drove to the top of a tall hill (Odyssey was written on it) to overlook the cities and get some perspective.

That evening, after a nice meal at the Sizzler, we found ourselves in Northridge where Duane called a great dance for the Valley Trailers. We were very pleased at the 17 squares in attendance. It was a flashback to the Fun Times Squares when we had an average of 20 to 25 squares each night. Enthusiasm begets enthusiasm. Duane called an Advanced-1 tip at the end of the evening. I was very proud of him.

We took off toward Las Vegas about 9:00 on Sunday morning and found ourselves passing the Jean exit almost exactly 48 hours after we met our friends there two days earlier.

We now look back and are amazed at all the things we did in those FAST 48 hours. Good memories, good times, good new friends . . .

Meeting the "New" McCracken Family

On Sunday, September 21, 2008 we were privileged to meet the "new" McCracken family. It has been quite a journey watching this Colombian adoption unfold over the past year. I am so grateful Rachel and Adam were so willing to share this adventure with anyone who was interested.

In the afternoon Juan P (Wompy) & Ezzie came by with their dad to visit Jaime & Rob. Jaime and Angie were in the process of making chocolate chip cookies to take to the McCrackens later in the evening. Wompy and Ezzie thought it was great fun to help.

We came bearing gifts for the children. It was so fun to watch them. They are pretty good at sharing and taking turns.
Their anticipation as they waited for the pieces to pop up was delightful.
My heart leaped as I remembered how one of the dreams Daniel had was to have a dad who would play with him.

It was amazing to watch the gift of tongues in action in their home. Both the children and their parents seem to be able to make their wants and needs known. However, there are times when a little extra help is necessary. Uncle Rob took the time to explain the chore chart, the purpose of clothes hampers, how to rinse the dishes and make sure they get in the dishwasher BEFORE they get in the cupboards. Hands on lessons were included.

There is a wonderful spirit of love and gratitude in the McCracken household. What an example they set for all of us!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Violin Lessons for a Little Sweetheart

At four years old you think you are a pretty big girl -- and you are! Rachel Marie, Lisa's oldest daughter and our oldest grandchild, is no exception. She has wanted to learn to play the violin for a long time, and she is now big enough!

One of the perks of being the grandma is that you get to enjoy these kinds of things without the work and the stress. I was invited to attend her second lesson with her and her mom on Friday, September 19, 2008.

I had no idea there is so much technicality involved in playing the violin! There is a proper way to hold it under your chin, a proper way to hold the bow, a proper way to move the bow, and even a proper way to stand!

These are pictures of Rachel listening intently to her teacher, Suzie, as she demonstrates the how-to's. What a special opportunity for me to be with her on this particular day! Thanks, Rachel Ree for letting Grandma join you!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Riverside, California, Here We Come!

We are leaving for Las Vegas today. It is our plan to spend the night there and celebrate Lisa's 27th birthday, sort of. How much celebrating can you do when her husband,Rusty, is out of town?

We will continue on to Riverside Friday afternoon.

Duane has been asked to call square dancing for two clubs, one in Riverside and the other in Northridge, California. We had some visitors at the Sunshine Dancers earlier in the summer. It was a very good night and they were impressed with Duane's calling, so they set up this weekend for him to visit their clubs. Bruce & Sandy Iveson, who live here and used to dance at these clubs, are caravaning with us.

Duane is a little nervous, but it's only because he hasn't traveled to a new area to call for a long time. I think he's just lost some of his confidence. He tends to do his best when he is a little out of his comfort zone. He is very capable and will do a wonderful job. He always comes across with enthusiasm.

We're looking forward to a fun experience and making lots of new friends.

My Life Is About to Change!

As mentioned in previous blogs, Special Needs Mutual is truly becoming a reality. Duane and I are excited and proud that we've had a part in making it come about.

As of last evening (2008.09.16), I find that I will be an integral part of Special Needs Mutual. I have been called to be the Young Women's President. The work begins!

At this point, I think the most daunting task is calling a board. I have been given some names and have names of some who have volunteered, but I only know two of them. The rest I have never met nor do I know anything about them. This is where inspiration will come in. I only hope I'm worthy of receiving it.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Fellow Temple Workers

It was such a nice surprise to get a call from Joy & Leon Hendrickson on Saturday, September 12, 2008. They were passing through St. George on their way to Arizona and wanted to get together.

They met us at church on Sunday and came home with us after. We enjoyed a very simple lunch and had a great visit.

We worked together in the Baptistry at the Jordan River Temple for three years. Joy and I had opportunities to visit on a personal level during that time, but it was wonderful to visit with both of them. I remember attending a party at their home in January of 2005. Our shift had wonderful people. I do miss it.

Leon is a dentist in the Holladay area. Joy runs his office. They have four children (three boys and a girl). They have a beautiful home just behind the home I lived in when I was a small child in the Cottonwood area.

They are a delightful couple. I'm so very glad they called and we were available to get together.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Simply Wicked

I love to eat. Oh, not the healthy stuff, unfortunately. I crave sugar -- and if it has chocolate in it, all the better. I wish it wasn't this way. I really do. I wish I craved fruit and vegetables; but alas, it is not nor will it ever be that way. I have also noticed that sugar helps me deal with stress. Not good . . .

I woke up this morning craving these little gems. It was early and no one was up, sooooo . . .

Many years ago my mother introduced me to Whoopsie Pies, a homemade delectable with plenty of chocolate and sugar and gooey cream cheese frosting in the middle. (But she had the self-control to only make them occasionally.) I still love them and probably prefer them, but they are a huge project to make.

When one of my daughters was in homemaking class in junior high school she shared a recipe for mock Oreo cookies, and they make a pretty satisfactory subsitute for Whoopsie Pies. They're a lot easier to make, too.

It was a pretty nice Saturday morning.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Forever Friends

Richins Cabin - Labor Day 2008

We have a tradition of going to Island Park, Idaho (just West of West Yellowstone, Montana) every Labor Day Weekend. We used to go for the Knothead Jamboree Square Dance but time has taken its toll on some of us, so now we go more to be with forever friends.

I always marvel that we all have such different personalities and yet we get along so well. I know that some of us would never have been drawn together were it not for the fun and friendship of square dancing. What a neat activity! It has provided us so many friends and opportunities over the years. I can't imagine my life without it!

Linda and Leland Richins are such gracious hosts. Over the years the men have taken on several projects as a thank you for their hospitality. Some of those projects include building a removable railing around the decks, building an over-sized garage and loft which sleeps 14 people comfortably, installing a washer and dryer, building a pretty classy outhouse and gathering firewood. This has been particularly helpful for the Richins since Leland has been plagued with Parkinsons Disease for the past ten years.

There are no rules, no expectations other than good food, good fun and lots of laughs. We read when we want to, nap when we want to, sit and chat when we want to, take walks or hikes when we want to.

There is four wheeling, bicycling, horse shoes, sightseeing and shopping. There are plenty of movies to watch and lots of games to play. I learn a new one or two every time I go. Too bad I can't remember them when I get home . . .

We always eat very well. Each couple is pre-assigned to be responsible for at least one meal. We plan it, do the shopping and prepare it. Everyone else pitches in to help. Imagine feeding 20 people and then having it cleaned up within 20 minutes! Amazing! There is always a table piled high with goodies for munching purposes. As I said, we eat very well.

Each year there are boutiques, antique and otherwise, in the area. Tradition is that we go to West Yellowstone for dinner and the Playmill Theatre. This year we saw "Oklahoma." It was great fun. We went for ice cream afterward.

These friends are amazing. Each one has a special and unique gift to offer. We have been through a lot over the past 30 years -- happy times, sad times, good health, poor health. We have watched each other's children grow and watched them wrestle with challenges. We have celebrated graduations and weddings and births (children and grandchildren) together. We have mourned the loss of loved ones together. We have traveled together. We have spent many, many hours dancing together and enjoying the camaraderie of after-parties telling "true" stories and laughing at each other's jokes. We have celebrated birthdays together -- and, boy, do we know how to celebrate!

Friends provide a safe haven for us when we need it. They buoy us up, they tell us like it is. They make us laugh and they cry with us. They are honest with us, but they pick the time and choose their words carefully. True friends give us the benefit of the doubt in all things. There are some things that are easier shared with friends than with family. And that's okay, because their life experiences are different from ours and they can offer a new perspective.

Duane and I moved away from all our friends when we left Draper; and we do feel the distance physically, but our hearts are just as close to them as ever because we love them and we know they love us. And they'll be there for us if we ever need them.

Friends . . . what would life be without them . . . I shudder to think of it.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

International Adoption by the McCrackens

For the past year I have been privileged to watch an international adoption unfold. I can't tell you how emotional a trip it has been for me. First of all, because I dearly love the sweet couple who made the courageous decision to do it. Secondly, it has opened my eyes to a whole new world that I hardly knew existed. I have been educated about some of the stupid ideas I had and the insensitive things I may have said throughout the years.

This adoption has been a series of miracles. As I look back, I marvel that the Lord is aware of every one of his children, no matter where they live or what their skin color. It is not chance that these four children (siblings - 8, 7, 6 & 5) were plucked from an orphanage in Bogota, Columbia and placed in Las Vegas, Nevada with parents who will love and appreciate them and teach them right from wrong and about their Savior, Jesus Christ.

I am overwhelmed at the courage and determination it took for Rachel and Adam to follow through despite all the road blocks that were placed in their way from government red tape to financial obligations to discouragement and many others. And they didn't even meet the children until they went to Colombia to pick them up!

Through all of this, I have also learned to appreciate my own blessings, little things I take for granted every day. These children have little or no memory of their biological parents. They had never experienced a hot shower, had never seen a bathtub or a swimming pool. They had never been to an airport or played with bubbles or pinwheels or jacks. The few clothes they had and the toys they played with at the orphanage were communal. And they were happy because they knew nothing else.

Rachel and Adam have been so generous to share their journey in international adoption on their blog. It was fun to follow along each day while they were in Colombia and get to know the children. I can't wait to meet them in person next week.

My hat off to Rachel and Adam McCracken. There are very few people in this world who would have the faith and fortitude to pull off something as wonderful as saving four children from a life of uncertainty -- and to do it under public scrutiny and with such grace. They are my heroes.

Retirement - What to Do, What to Do?

There are a few things about retirement Duane has not particularly enjoyed. His life changed a little too dramatically all at once. He loves the freedom he has never experienced, but he is a little bored to say the least.

We were sooo busy when we lived in Draper. He worked full time. He was square dance calling at least once week, sometimes more. We did assemblies in the schools (ARTS, Inc.) at various times. He loved his huge garden and spent a lot of time in it. He had a gigantic lawn to mow and weeds to keep down. He was getting very tired of all the "have to's" -- or so he thought.

He really misses his garden. He LOVED the harvest, but truth be told, he loved being out there digging in the dirt, planting those tiny little seeds, irrigating (especially when it was flood irrigation), watching it grow, stalking those pesky little birds who tried to raid his grapes, and eradicating the weeds. Even when there wasn't anything in particular to do, he would wander around and investigate every little thing. I think he talked to it a lot, too.

He went from too busy to not busy at all. He has said, "I went from a pumpkin patch to a pomegranate bush." Yep, that about sums it up.

If we were to do it all over again, I don't think we would have retired AND moved all at the same time. We would have done it in steps. But, alas, that is not how it happened.

So here we are in sunny St. George, Utah's Dixie, and Duane has been climbing the walls. He has attempted to be happy at home, but he has an incredible amount of nervous energy. Earlier this year he got his real estate license, but the market isn't good right now. Then he decided to become a school bus driver. He thought it would be perfect because he could be a substitute and drive only when he wanted to. I thought it would be perfect, too. And it is, except now he seems "driven" to be doing it more and more.

First day 2008.04.23
Special Ed Bus
Duane & his Aid

Behind the Wheel

Away he goes!

Don't get me wrong. Duane truly loves being here in St. George. He loves being close to our daughters and grandchildren. He's just desperate to find some outlets for his energy. I must say, he has NEVER missed the 7:30 - 4:00 rat race he endured at ATK for 25 years. I think it's just going to take time . . . and lots of patience . . .

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Innocence in It's Purest Form

David Aldous & Angie

David has been in love with Angie since they met in junior high school. When they were in high school and old enough to date, we did a triple date with them and David's parents, John & Susan Aldous. We went to Applebee's because that is Angie's favorite place.
David turned to me out of the clear blue sky and said, "Heavenly Father made Angie just for me. We can't be married in this life, but I know we will be together in the next life." He caught me off guard. All I could say was a sheepish, "Oh?"
He has managed to keep in touch even though we moved away from Draper. On August 23, 2008, David and his parents came to visit for the weekend. We went to dinner at Golden Corral and played games afterward. Saturday morning the guys took a walk up Half-way Wash. We then enjoyed a brunch at the house and more games. In the afternoon Susan and I and David and Angie went shopping for a few games for David to take back to his group home. Duane and I were busy in the evening, but David and his parents took Angie to a movie and for an ice cream. I think she really enjoyed her weekend with her special friend and his parents.
David has Prader-Willi Syndrome. He has some reasoning difficulties and problems with handling his frustrations, but his biggest challenge is food. I can't imagine what a living hell he must be experiencing because his body is always hungry. He has never known the feeling of being satisfied. As a result of his penchant for eating, he gets himself into a little trouble with his caregivers.

But he is a sweet young man. His intentions are always pure and he wants so desperately to do the right thing, especially when it comes to Angie.

I really don't know how Angie feels about David. She doesn't really talk about him much, but she is always excited to see him.

I think it will be wonderful in the next life when these special children of our Heavenly Father are no longer restricted by their imperfect human bodies and minds . . .