Saturday, November 15, 2008
I Voted
Angel Mutual has Begun!

Friday, November 14, 2008
Our Trip to Virginia, Part 2 - The Vacation
On our way around Washington, DC we dropped Brandon off at the subway to hook up with his friend, Blaine, who worked at the Capitol as an intern for Representative Jim Matheson. It felt really strange dropping our "innocent young son" off in such a foreboding place where he knew nothing and no one. Jaime and Lisa politely reminded us that we probably would not have done that for them so willingly. They're right in that we would have hesitated a little more. Shame on us. It's hard to remember that our children are adults now and fully capable of taking care of themselves . . .
We hooked up with Brandon the following day, spent a little time with him and then sent him back to Salt Lake on a plane. His short weekend went very quickly, too quickly for my way of thinking.Mom and Pop flew home mid-week.
We spent a few days that week touring some of the sites in and around Washington, DC: the National Air and Space Museum's Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center where we saw the Enola Gay (dropped the bomb on Hiroshima); the National Archives where the original Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are well protected; the National Museum of Natural History where the live butterfly exhibit was so fun to walk through; some needed to visit the National Gallery of Art looking for art for their homes; a personal tour of the Capitol building courtesy of Brandon's friend, Blaine.
Mid-week we made a road trip to Newark, NJ where we stayed overnight and then took a train into New York City to see the site of the World Trade Center. Along the way we found ourselves off-track and driving through a very quaint little town known as Pilesgrove, NJ. When I think of small town America, this is what comes to mind. The restaurant we ate at had real home cooking. It was Halloween time and all the lamp posts along the main streets were decorated with scarecrows, witches, etc.
The site of the World Trade Center is really only a construction site at this point, but we visited St. Paul's Church across the street. There was a lot of memorabilia and pictures of many of the victims. It was at this little church with the cemetery all around it that many of the rescuers took refuge from the difficult task of trying to help in the aftermath of 911. It is also in this church that President George Washington worshipped immediately following his inauguration as our first president on April 30, 1789.
While in New York, we also checked out a vantage point where we could see directly into the open construction site. Great plans are in the works.
We went through the WTC Visitor Center which was a tremendous help in bringing the experience of 911 home to me. There was a wall of pictures of every one of the victims along with a few personal items. I think the thing that struck me the hardest was a piece of a plane where an entire window had been. I kept wondering who had been sitting in the seat next to that window and what they must have seen and felt. Very sobering.
That day was not an easy day for Jaime and me. Neither one of us felt very well and New York City with all it's smells and noise is not the place to be when you're nauseated and have a bad headache.
We all quite enjoyed the lunch we had. I think Duane will remember that more than anything.
The last few days were just quiet and relaxing. Lisa flew home on Saturday, the 11th. Duane and BJ spent that day out hiking and enjoying themselves. Tanya, Jaime and I spent our time trying to feel better. Angie was content to watch movies since she hadn't seen any all week.
The flight home was uneventful. Angie got on the plane without any problems. We arrived in Las Vegas early enough that we drove all the way home to St. George.
It was a wonderful vacation. Tanya and BJ are very easy to spend time with and they make you feel very welcome. And they don't fuss over their company. I'm sure they breathed a sigh of relief when all their visitors were finally gone.
Now all we have are memories . . . but they're happy ones. And lots of pictures.
(More pictures to be added when I get them from Jaime.)Our Trip to Virginia, Part 1 - The Wedding
That afternoon we went over to Cape Charles for family pictures. The wedding rehearsal dinner was that evening, so those of us not involved did our own thing. We explored the tiny town of Cape Charles and went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant. I believe we were the lucky ones. Our evening was quite relaxing.