For nearly ten years before we moved from Draper to St. George Angie participated in Special Needs Mutual. It is an amazing program sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for special needs "youth" twelve years and older. It is organized just like any mutual program should be with Young Men and Young Women presidencies, advisors, scout leaders and assistants, music specialists (when deemed necessary) and activity chairpersons (when needed).
The thing that makes this program special is the "youth counselors." They are high school juniors and seniors who are called for the period of September through May to be one-on-one buddies with the special needs youth. They are assigned specifically to one person to become their friend, their role model. Angie has developed some very special relationships with her counselors, even though they have moved on with their lives -- on to college, on to marriage, on to parenthood -- they still keep in touch occasionally. She will never forget them and their love and kindness.

(As a side note, we lovingly call it "Angel" Mutual because Angie had a hard time saying "Special Needs Mutual." Besides, we think it fits better.)
We had heard about Special Needs Mutual for several years, but it just seemed like ANOTHER thing on our very long "To Do" list at that time. Special Needs Mutual first touched our lives when our oldest daughter, Jaime, was called to be a Youth Counselor. She insisted that Angie come along. Immediately Angie was hooked. When Jaime was released, we couldn't even consider dropping Angie out. She looked forward to it every week. Up until then, each day ran into another, but suddenly she was keeping track of the days of the week. She always knew when it was Thursday.
Angel Mutual is a very special, safe place for Angie. We don't have to worry about who she is with. It is HER world and we are only allowed to visit occasionally (according to her). SHE is the star. The program is for HER. She is loved unconditionally, just the same as she loves others. No one laughs at her and her friends, only with them. It's a wonderful place full of love. Miracles happen there every week. People grow in, oh, so many ways. The Spirit is so very strong because these special youth are so close to it.

This program was started in 1989 by a mother who had a daughter with special needs. It was obvious that, although the ward was good to her daughter and tried to include her in everything, she still was on the sidelines looking in. She got permission from her priesthood leaders to hold a little class with her daughter and some of her friends. From there, Special Needs Mutual was born.
Originally it was intended to help those with Special Needs, but it also touched the lives of each of the special needs person's families. Now it touches so many more lives. It reaches out to the leaders and youth counselors and their families. Beyond that it touches the ward mutuals who provide activities each month and then goes on to touch everyone who attends the Sacrament Meetings. I can't begin to express the way it has touched our lives as a family.
Another special thing about Angel Mutual is the activities. Once each month an assigned ward mutual plans and executes an activity for our "youth." For the regular mutual it is a service project, for our mutual it is a major event.
Our mutual reciprocates by providing a Sacrament Meeting for their ward. The Sacrament Meeting program is awesome, probably one of the most spiritual experiences most people will ever have. A family will share their story, the mutual sings "I Am a Child of God," a few special needs persons and their counselors share their testimonies. The meeting is closed with the mutual singing and signing "In This Very Room." Seldom is there a dry eye in the crowd. When the meeting is over, the congregation seems to hesitate to break the spirit by moving on to other meetings.
Activities are carefully planned and executed. Great care is taken to ensure that the special angels get to experience the same kinds of things the "normal" population takes for granted. Each year they do an opening social. The Young Women enjoy the Personal Progress program (adapted of course to their level of abilities) and work toward receiving the various recognition awards. The theme and values are emphasized. The Young Men work on Scouting. Some requirements and all age limits are waived. It is so wonderful to watch these special angels receive an award they may have worked years on achieving.
At Angel Mutual they celebrate all the holidays that come along. There are joint activities each month. In the early Spring they have a Road Show. Everyone is included and has a part. During the year there is a talent show. Every person who has the desire may share a talent, even if it takes several weeks to accomplish and even if they have to be limited to two minutes each!
The activities are well supported by family and friends. We always had to move to a Stake Center for the Road Shows, and even at that, parking was limited. Even families of the Youth Counselors came! Bishops, Stake Presidents! This was a major event.

Angie was so happy at Angel Mutual. It gave her something to look forward to each week. She knew she was loved and appreciated for who she is. She felt important and special, something we all need to feel about ourselves. She was learning about the gospel on her level. She had friends. She was among others she loved besides her family. Many of these people do not have the ability to communicate with one another on a verbal level, but their ability to communicate spiritually cannot be described in words. It was something that had to be felt and observed.
Angel Mutual is especially important for those who are no longer involved in the public school system. Suddenly they are without a social activity. Angel Mutual fills that void.
Angel Mutual is a blessing to so many people. It is a shame that no one in Southern Utah has heard of it. We determined when we arrived in St. George that it is time for the special needs people in Southern Utah to experience the blessings of Angel Mutual. We are making it our mission to get one started.